Dedication – 1929

From the February 3, 1929 Dedicatory Services of the Haven Methodist Episcopal Church in Jerome, Arizona

Historical – The Haven M.E. Church was organized by Rev Geo. M. Smith on March 18, 1900.  The first preaching service was held in the O’Keefe Hall on that date. The Ladies’ Aid, ever indispensable, was organized two days later.   A lot was bought on March 30th in the ”16 to 1” Mining Claim Tract. The church building was begun on April 3, 1900. When finished it was a neat white frame building, 24×36, costing $1,900 with the lots.  The building was enlarged in 1908 during Reverend Hawleys pastorate.  

Under Dr. J. T. Black’s administration, a campaign was successfully prosecuted for funds for the present building.  When Rev. Luther A. Rice came to the charge in 1926, all was ready for building. The commodious building which we dedicate today is worth $20,000, including the lots.

Appreciation –  The Haven M. E. Church building as it stands today was made possible only by the generous help of many donors.   Records show that Senator W. A. Clark gave generously to the first building in 1900. The United Verde Copper Company gave a large sum for the present building.   The United Verde Extension gave the lots. Business men of the city were liberal in their contributions. The Ladies’ Aid has been untiring in raising money for the church and equipment.  To all these and to the many individual givers the church is profoundly grateful. To the Verde Copper News for space freely given in giving publicity to the dedicatory service our especial thanks are due.

    The local church is under especial obligation to Bishop Charles Wesley Burns for his gracious presence and services at the dedication.  To Rev. A. L. Baker, District Superintendent, and to all the neighboring pastors and churches, we are grateful for their presence and cooperation in the services of this great day.

  A small debt of $500.00, practically covered with good pledges, will be entirely paid by Easter Sunday, March 31.  Easter will also be the climax of the Church Loyalty Campaign, and of the contest in the Sunday School. Two hundred in attendance is the goal for the Sunday School.  It is hoped that many new members will be received by Easter.

  The Haven Church strives to be of service to the entire community.  That it is a Community Church is evidenced by the fact that perhaps the greater part of the work done by the Ladies’s Aid is done by friends outside of the membership.   Members of the Official Board and the Sunday School Board are from other denominations. Under the present plan, it is possible for friends to maintain their identity as members of other churches and yet become members of Haven Church.

  With the present new church plant; with the largest population Jerome has ever known; with excellent business conditions in the city; with a fine brotherly feeling prevailing in the church and community, Haven Church should greatly increase its membership and its service to the city.  The future certainly holds much for us.

From the Verde Copper News -1929